All the features.
No subscriptions. No hidden fees.
Plastiq has all the features of sophisticated AP solutions — but none of the complex fees or subscriptions. Don’t worry about seats or what features your plan includes. With Plastiq you can use the tools that you need and remain confident you aren’t paying for something you aren’t even using.
Plastiq has all the features of sophisticated AP solutions — but none of the complex fees or subscriptions. Don’t worry about seats or what features your plan includes. With Plastiq you can use the tools that you need and remain confident you aren’t paying for something you aren’t even using.
The Features
Every Plastiq Account Includes
Pay Any Vendor with a Credit Card
Unlimited Users
Accounting Software Sync
Bills Management
Payment Tracking & Updates
Easy Bill Data Capture
User Roles & Persmissions
Payment Approval Workflows
Vendor Management
Bulk Payments
The Fees
Transaction Fees
Card payments
Short-term Financing*
Delivery Fees
Paper Check
Wire transfer: domestic/international
Accept credit cards**
Transaction fees will apply for any credit or debit card payments for all plan selections.
*Short-Term Financing only available for registered businesses.
See how it pays to use Plastiq.
By putting your capital to work in a money market account while you use Plastiq to extend payment terms — you could actually make money on a bill payment. While every business has a different tax situation and cash flow needs, Plastiq is still one of the cheapest options when it comes to working capital.
Plastiq has all the features of sophisticated AP solutions — but none of the complex fees or subscriptions. Don’t worry about seats or what features your plan includes. With Plastiq you can use the tools that you need and remain confident you aren’t paying for something you aren’t even using.
How inexpensive can Plastiq be?
Plastiq Fee
This is the fee for processing a card payment on Plastiq. This calculation does not include the delivery cost for a payment which is provided in the table above
CaSh Back
Cards that feature cash back rewards typically vary between 1-3% — refer to your card rules when setting this value.
Early Pay Discount
Some vendors offer early pay discounts up to 5% — with Plastiq you can get your bills paid early and defer the payment to your card statement.
Bill Surcharge savings
Some vendors require a fee in order to process a payment by card. Plastiq’s base fee is often cheaper than this surcharge without additional savings needed.
Tax Write Off
Work with your tax professional to determine how much of the Plastiq fee you can write off on your taxes. Our customers have been able to write off 20-30% of the fee.
Achieve additional earning potential by keeping your cash reserves in a money market account. Put your cash to work and use your card to pay your expenses.
Card Cycle (DAys)
This calculation is based on the earning potential of submitting your payment on day one of a new card cycle.
Total Benefits: $485.27
Your Cost:
Estimated Cost of Capital with Plastiq
When working with the calculator, please remember the savings displayed are not guaranteed. The estimates are for educational purposes only. You should consult a tax professional and your credit card issuer’s rules to determine actual savings.
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